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Yes welder 250 ac/DC pulse - blue and white box

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:52 pm
by HammerJr
Does anyone know if you can make a foot pedal with 5wires and 2 pots work on this jewel? I love being able to control max amp from the remote, as I'll probably be under/inside/(otherwise awkward position) a drag car when I'm using it and going back to the power source to reduce the full pedal-smack output can get tiresome.

I'm referring to the pedals that have the amperage control on a dial on the side of the pedal as well as a pot worked by the actual pedal. I'm guessing this thing wants 10k... So, since the 2 pots are somehow wired up in series, I guess I'll need to check the actual output at the end of the cable at both ends of the adjustment andake sure it's equals 10k?

I'm not even sure about the 10k as I haven't heard anything from yes welder yet and probably won't until Monday (it's Saturday now, and patience, although a virtue, is not my strong suit)

In summation, does anyone know what this welder expects from the remote? And also, what pins it expects it on? It is a 5pin male socket on the welder.


Re: Yes welder 250 ac/DC pulse - blue and white box

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:41 pm
by tweake
i highly doubt it.
that sort of function would need to be built into the welder.

Re: Yes welder 250 ac/DC pulse - blue and white box

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:45 am
by Jack Ryan
The maximum current is generally set on the machine but some pedals have an additional pot so that the pedal can only use a portion for the maximum set on the machine.

I think your pedal connection looks like this:
YesWelder 250 ACDC pulse Pedal Connection.png
YesWelder 250 ACDC pulse Pedal Connection.png (65.44 KiB) Viewed 7274 times
But if you add another pot like this one:
YesWelder 250 ACDC pulse Pedal Connection (Modified).png
YesWelder 250 ACDC pulse Pedal Connection (Modified).png (70.41 KiB) Viewed 7274 times
You will be able to limit the maximum pedal current with the additional pot. Obviously, you can purchase pedals that already have the additional pot.

It really only gets tricky when the pedal connection is digital.

(let's see if the images are present and where they should be)
