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SS pipe line queston

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:09 pm
by Aleksi86
How you do tack welds on ss pipe line?? I mean that oxidation inside the pipe 2mm x 50mm pipe food factory. Is it so litle/fast tack so it wont sugar?? I use purge when i start "welding" ofcourse but im mainly worry how i make it right if its xrayed?? My first ss pipe welding starts soon :oops: Tell me how you would tack/weld it so i can get litle info and thoots?? I know purge is very important so thats the worry about.. Learning every day something new :D

Re: SS pipe line queston

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 5:08 pm
by Otto Nobedder
In the U.S., food-grade welding is usually done with no gap and no bevel, and yes, the tacks are usually small and fast. It helps to have a pre-flow to flood the area of the tack with argon before the arc, and a very short burst at high power will fuse the surface without even getting the inside to red-heat.

Someone with more food grade experience will likely speak up, and guide you better than I.

Steve S