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invertec v205t vs Miller Dynasty 200dx

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:00 pm
by wyatt
I am thinking about buying a Miller Dynasty 200dx. Someone told me the lincoln invertec v205t is better for welding aluminum.
Whats up with that? They seem pretty close in price...Which machine is best all around? Are there other machines that do the same thing that are cheaper? The cheapest price i have found is around 3000 just for the machine. By the time i buy all the other crap , i will have at least 3500 invested. Is it worth it?

Re: invertec v205t vs Miller Dynasty 200dx

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:08 am
by metafos

I use a miller syncrowave 250 with a liquid cooled torch, this is the best machine for the money. Sounds like you want to go electronic, I personally prefer the older magnetic machines, much more reliable, virtually indestructable. You can get these machines used for around 2K, very well worth the investment.

Re: invertec v205t vs Miller Dynasty 200dx

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:08 am
by genarr3
I just purchased the Invertec 205 in July. I can't give you any comparisons I've never used the Dynasty, but I love the Invertec.

Re: invertec v205t vs Miller Dynasty 200dx

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:51 am
by DarkDraggon
Guess I'm showing my age but I also prefer my old sync 350 but having used a newer lincoln inverter machine(think it was a 175 or 185) it does a really nice job as well.
Note the inverter based machines do draw less power to operate but do cost more to purchase initially.
If I remember correctly I paid less than $1500 for my 350 a few years ago, complete and ready to work.