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A little discovery spot welding

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:11 am
I would like to add a little in this forum , my little discovery I made yesterday while i was was experimenting . I has to do with
spot welding in aluminum. So far was known to do a spot use higher Amperage (power) to the machine and additionally you step up frequency to the highest possible But if you use higher cleaning to close to max then
the spot welding it is much more easy . I you have a very narrow gap then you can do spot welding without even the aid of filler metal , maybe also this can be used to spot if your settings are proper for this type of welding since if there is not enough
cleaning the you will have hard time to weld it. (have in mind though that high cleaning will result in excessive balling up of tungsten).

Re: A little discovery spot welding

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:04 am
by Oscar
What were your actual spot weld test parameters?

What joint configuration?
How much amperage?
What AC frequency?
What balance and towards which polarity is it referencing?
Arc length?
How small is "a small gap"?
Tungsten grind profile?

Re: A little discovery spot welding

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:30 am
Dear oscar don't make your life hard , whatever aluminum you have to weld , you might come across something you need to spot weld it just to keep in place so to make is easier and nicer to weld . I this case use you highest cleaning mode of your machine. When we say Cleaning
we mean positive the waveform of the machine . Tungsten as long it is clean it does not matter .
Say it is Miller go to 90 which the max. or close to Maximum if you have trouble with excessive balling . All other parameters as you like but it is better too to have higher
amperage say 30% more the actual welding .The frequency also to be high mine is 250Hz.But it is not absolute must do.
If you have a relative experience you must have tried before, this time use your cleaning as higher it can go.
If you have a thin or thick aluminum it does not matter but thin can melt if you use too high amperage.
Any type of profile or tungsten grinding . Narrow gap is almost in in touch if is a crack say .001 or .002 even more .
If its more than .006 then you might need a rod to give a drop to it to assist to join together.
I few words do whatever you use to do plus the cleaning action at its fullest .