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Flux uphill, downhill, push or pull

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:06 pm
by historyofwarfare
I have read the manual provided with my Hobart 135 welder. It was a used gift. I weld flux because it's easier than using gas and I weld outside. I usually point the wire toward the weld puddle at around 15 degrees and pull. If that is wrong, what is better?

Re: Flux uphill, downhill, push or pull

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:48 am
by rickbreezy
I like to maintain a nuetral position while fluxcore welding. Dragging gets the job done, and fast, but makes it more probable that flux will get caught underneath the weld, and reduces penetration, so I guess it depends on the purpose. Sometimes I even pulse it for an ornamental look.

The same for uphill or downhill, uphill will provide a better quality weld and is more likely to pass for inspections, tests, ect. But a down hill weld will do the job fast.

But for the best quality welds, I think you need to have a nuetral to slightly pushing wire feed angle.


Re: Flux uphill, downhill, push or pull

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:46 pm
by historyofwarfare
After I typed this question, I found a video by Kevin Caron, a sculpture, who says push or pull either way is fine, that there is no one way. But, I prefer to push after reading a bit more.