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Debate revisited with cut & etch.

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:03 pm
by Otto Nobedder
Just for the fun of it today, I did a simple Tee joint, 1/4" 304SS, welded with .035 308L, in 1F position. 23.1V, 380 IPM.

I did the left side in one slow, steady motion. The right was done with a step-pause rhythm. Interesting results...
DSCF0021.JPG (51.08 KiB) Viewed 783 times
While both welds show complete root penetration, the step-pause appears to be shallower on the vertical leg, where the steady-motion seems symmetrical. I may have to repeat this, to be sure I wasn't doing something else different between the two.

Also note the step-pause got cut in the middle of a peak, and shows the inconsistent cross section. However, the throat is adequate despite the undulations.

I'm going to have to try this in other positions, as well, as time permits.

Steve S

Re: Debate revisited with cut & etch.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 9:39 am
What gas did you use Steve?
Also did you allow the plates to cool before doing the opposite side?


Re: Debate revisited with cut & etch.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:35 am
by Superiorwelding
Nice test! I love this stuff. Looks like the right one is a different gun angle as well as fillet size. It would be cool to see the difference set up on a track mounted machine so travel speed and gun angle would be exact. I was actually asked to do some testing on spray vs pulse spray here soon, couple weeks, and I will post up the results.

Re: Debate revisited with cut & etch.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:26 pm
by Otto Nobedder
WTFH wrote:What gas did you use Steve?
Also did you allow the plates to cool before doing the opposite side?

It was tri-mix (90% He, 7.5% Ar, 2.5% CO2).

I did allow some cooling time, but did not measure it as a variable.

I think the difference in penetrations must be due to some difference in torch angle, as I set this up on a whim, and did it quickly.

I was more interested in the root penetration since that seems to be one of the foci of the debate.

I'll have to give it another go with tighter controls.

Steve S