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Boilermaker apprenticeship

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 11:15 pm
by dusty1
I am planning to enter into an apprenticeship with the Boilermakers when im finally out of the army in a year and a half.I have been to a welding school three years ago & couldnt find a job after my school was over because i had never had a welding job before.Seems like the only people who will give me a chance to get my foot in the door,is the union.It sounds like a pretty good deal to me and i want to work out of town too.I guess it would depend on the local,but how much of the time are you working out of town?How long the jobs last?Time off between jobs?The only answer i get is "depends".Just lookin for a little more info on what to expect from someone who is,or was a Boilermaker.Thanks

Re: Boilermaker apprenticeship

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 11:47 am
by kermdawg
Most boilermakers locals are suitcase locals-Your going to be traveling 90 percent of the time. You might be able to find a local in a big town with a decent amount of work where you wouldnt have to travel across the country or anything, but keep in mind-Boilermakers are industrial workers, so you have to go where the power plants or industrial plants are being built/serviced.

As for how much work you get? Well if you dont mind traveling you can probably work how ever much you want. You can always get shutdown work, though thats usually in the spring, and fall, because summer and winter are the two biggest energy-need seasons. Most shutdowns last 4-6 weeks, give or take a week or two, but your usually working 6 or 7 days a week 10 or 12 hours a day. That translates into big bucks.

From what I know as well, most boilermakers have to past a 6gR restricted weld test to simulate welding the tubes inside the boiler itself. Oh ya, your also going to be in a confined space, wearin a respirator, while welding tubes that are 2 inches apart. Thats why they make the big bucks :)

edit-sure you already seen this cause its like 5 threads down in the forum, but in case you havent, RickBreezy had a tip on a boilermakers local that is taking apprentices/b scale journeyman. heres the thread link- ... f=7&t=1286

Re: Boilermaker apprenticeship

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 4:50 pm
by dusty1
Hey,thanks i appreciate it.Is there a certain range that you work from a local,or do you just pick where you wanna go?

Re: Boilermaker apprenticeship

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 6:25 pm
by kermdawg
Well each local has a jurisdictional area. Some are big, some are small. So you might be working for one local 2 hours from your house, or you might cross into a differant county 20 minutes away and be working for a differant local.

Most unions have some sort of travel card program if they dont have work in their own area (hence the name suitcase local, because ALL or almost all of their work is for differant locals around the country). Basically your BA will call other locals for you to arrange work for you, or if your savvy and have the right hookups and phone numbers you can strike out on your own. Theres still alot of "its not what you know, what who ya know" in the union side of things, but honestly its the same with non-union work. If you know the right people you will always be workin, if you dont know anyone, you probably wont be workin too much. Dont burn any bridges and try not to piss off any supervision, and remember, the guy your welding with today might be your foreman or general foreman, or even superintendant on the next job.

Re: Boilermaker apprenticeship

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 7:16 pm
by rickbreezy
Yes most boilermaker locals are "suitcase " locals.

But you have to think of this type of work as what it is. It can be Seasonal, temporary work and largely depends on the area you are in. I once worked for 6 different employers in a years. SIX!

Thats why people say : "it depends"

Becuase pay, conditions, hours, and enviornment will change every 5 minutes.

Also wage rates and such will change local to local. There may be several locals in any given state.

In a new york city local you might earn.... say 40 dollers an hour. In buffollo(NY) the wage rate might be 26. Rochester... amybe 21.

So again, "it depends"


Re: Boilermaker apprenticeship

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:40 pm
by kermdawg
yes the pay scale can vary from around 20 dollars an hour to aroud 60. As will the per diem, which can be anywhere from nothing to 100 dollars per day.

So you can make anywhere from 800 dollars a week, to 4000 grand a week. Ya, workin 7/12's with 50 per diem (which isnt a rare occurance) you can easily make over 3k a week, depending on the wage in the area.

Also think about your health and welfare, pension(local and national), training fund, working dues, and vacation pay. But most guys only care about what they see on the check.