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Western Colorado Jobs

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 10:52 am
by lowhytillidie
Hello I am trying to find a job Welding in Western colorado. I have about a year stick welding and about 5 months in a fab shop. I can run 7018 well in any position. Im just having a tough time getting people to give me a chance without a ton of experience. Really motivated to learn more and I have a passion for welding.

Any leads would be greatly appreciated
Thank you

Re: Western Colorado Jobs

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:56 pm
by vaguy101
Learn as much as there is to be learned in the fab shop your at for now .

My best opinion is always this for anyone .

Mouth shut , eyes open , hands willing to work , brain willing to learn and listen . With that frame if mind theres nothing you cant learn .

With that said , its hard to get a chance sometimes without having experience. The best piece of advice I can give you, is pick a code weld test . Wether its pipe or whatever field you plan to work in . Get a weld procedure , and practice it on coupons in your spare time .

If you work hard you can be passing a 6g pipe test in no time , and yes ofcourse this does not make you a welder , passing the test is just the start and you'll prob bust some trays in the field at first . But it can get your foot in the door .

Call around to construction contractors, pipe , ironworker , what have it. Ask them what tests they perform on hire for welders and practice it . Go knock on doors of these companies be honest with them tell them what you know and dont lie . Someone woll give you a chance , just be HONEST !!!

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