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i need a job

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:43 pm
by jrobynpaul
My name is Jonathan Paul. ASME certified TIG hand (carbon). Can SMAW & GMAW proficiently as well.Can read prints, layout and fitup. Been in the industry for ten years. Have own TIG rig and stinger and other needed tools and PPE. Very reliable transportation. Willing to travel just about anywhere. Have receipt for TWIC card and waiting on its arrival. Extremely smart/hard worker. Please contact me
@ 318-730-0244.

Re: i need a job

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:58 pm
by Otto Nobedder

We are not, nor ever have, tried to be a job board, but I will move your post to our employment area, to give it a fair airing.

Steve S

Re: i need a job

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:52 pm
by jrobynpaul
Steve, I completely understand the fact that you guys aren't a job board, nor do I want to treat you as sush. Its just hat I saw where others had posted job related things and I saw where they had gotten replies. Simply thought of give it a shot--what could it hurt. Thanks for putting post in proper lacale. Much appreciation.

Re: i need a job

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:33 pm
by Otto Nobedder
While is a good resource, If you're willing to travel, I'd have a look at

Steve S

Re: i need a job

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:10 am
by GregOrtiz
You need the latest hot sheet! Go to and order the magazine!$25.00 to download and $5.00 extra for the hard copy to be mailed! Tons of companies and the latest jobs accross the country! Thats how I make my moves!

Re: i need a job

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:42 pm
by Otto Nobedder
GregOrtiz wrote:You need the latest hot sheet! Go to and order the magazine!$25.00 to download and $5.00 extra for the hard copy to be mailed! Tons of companies and the latest jobs accross the country! Thats how I make my moves!
Come to think of it, Barb (Lady Rebel) owes me a six-month susbscription, and I haven't called her on it...

Steve S

Re: i need a job

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:39 am
by jrobynpaul
Hey you guys... Thanks for the tips... I look at rod dog all the time and I've sent my resume out to several companies. Haven't gotten a bite as of yet but I keep sending out my resume anyway. Somebody will bite sooner or later... I've got an old issue of the hotsheet and have contacted several companies I've learned of through that, but I definitely need an up-to-date issue--or just a fricking subscription outright.... I appreciate the info though, fellas. If there are any other names or numbers they'd definitely be welcomed. I can tig, tick, mig, whathaveyou... Prefer tig and stick. Not much money (or should I say not enough) In mig. 2"xxH is where its at... Keep me posted if you don't mind. I'll definitely be doing my part....

Re: i need a job

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:41 am
by jrobynpaul
Roadtechs is what I meant to say... Here it is 1:40am and my thinking's sort of fuzzy...

Re: i need a job

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:45 pm
by Otto Nobedder

If you can weld boiler tubes and waterwalls (and other heavy boiler piping), I've got a FB group or two that may help... ... NDWELDERS/ ... dersgroup/

An active member has to "stand" for you to join, so have a look, and let me know if either or both would interest you.

Steve S

Re: i need a job

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:04 am
by GG47
Otto Nobedder wrote:While is a good resource, If you're willing to travel, I'd have a look at

Steve S

Indeed, Career Builder, Monster, etc is all dog sh*t in my book as well as any other job search engine. Truth be told and I hope many have open ears for their sake. I've been in IT for years, help yourselves out by spending hours online pounding, an I mean POUNDING "direct websites" as in direct to company. Make it your full time job to search, submit, shine up your resume, etc. Local, Elsewhere, Anywhere ur willing to work. Even if they see your from Indeed or other crap it's ummm,,, de-prioritized bluntly speaking.

"Hey there employer, I have some qualified applicants if you'd like to grease my paw a bit... I dunno maybe.. "
The USA does not bargain for hostages, nor do their companies...

Shows your desperate in a nut shell and I'm not afraid to call them out on it by any means!! That's why it's a "free" search engine, nothing will EVER come of it. Consider yourself a cig butt in a full 55 gallon drum if your relying on those means. If they are not pushing advertisements, they simply ain't getting paid, forgive my grammar plz...

If you have the balls to think folks work 8 hr days in office researching prospective employers, building webservers to host a website, paying for extremely expensive servers/URLs, and keeping up to date on postings for your sake, you are sh*t all stupid. Flat out !! Sorry : (

Remember what your parents taught you, nothing in life is free... Hence, Job Search engines, cancel them out, save ur time and work smart, not hard!!

If Jrobyupaul, shows proof of posting though search engine, landing a "decent" job, and his first pay stub, I'll send him a $100 cert check !! Your heard it here, that's how confident I am.. Watch some ahole from indeed read this an get him a job... That requires more work for free, I'm pretty confident regardless.

BTW- I'm not commenting to, No idea what that's about. But I'll give it 5 mins to have a looksy quick.

Sorry to post job talk here but it's rough these days and I want the best for my comrades.

Good luck to you all !!

Keep it Real Boys and Girls !!

Re: i need a job

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:50 pm
by Otto Nobedder
Just one post on put me to work for over a year and a half. My take-home and per diem added up to 6 figures for the tax year.

You can keep indeed and monster and all the others, but roadtechs is a place companies (yes, sadly, headhunters, too) PAY to place their ads, not collect pennies for hits.

Pre-judgement is not wise in the trades.

Steve S