I then start to clean up the steel:
And cut it to length:
Double check cut pieces:
Remove mill scale and taper the ends:
Use the left-over pieces to practice and find appropriate settings on my MIG200 welder:
Now for real. Position, clamp, align, verify, and then tack weld. The welds on the bottom will have to be ground off for the caster wheels:
First set out of the two:
Once I have both sets, then I start with the connecting arms (using angle iron as guide here):
After all is tacked in place, I welded, and then ground off the base/bottom portion. Although not pretty, the good news is that the welds are solid, with very good penetration:
Base of table is ready:
As my mentor recommended, I ground off the plating on the caster wheels, and then cut 1/4" plates to weld to the wheel's base. I am marking here where to cut and where to remove the mill scale:
And then weld in place through the hole:
Then tack and weld to the base:
And then weld on the inside - this one was a continuous pass end to end:
Then position the base on the table top, to mark where to remove the mill scale:
Once back indoors, I realign everything so that I can tack weld in place:
Then start welding:
Done for now:
Actually, not done - already planning on my first "mod":