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Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:11 am
by One of a kind
Never fired it up, lost interest when I couldn't find coal or coke for it, as they say, the thrill is gone, moved on to other projects. Maybe this spring I'll fire it up, I don't have that many projects on the table for this spring.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:41 am
by Poland308
Nice work. I've made several things I thought I was going to use. When I realized I wasn't using them enough I sold em. Gave me money to start another project. Besides as soon as I finish one thing and use it, I start to see where I need to make changes and then it's usually better to just start over anyway.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:52 am
by exnailpounder
Very nice work! I just built a casting furnace and I am casting my first part tomorrow. Like poland308, I make stuff on a whim and usually on of my buddies talks me out of it or if it sits around too long, it cannabalized into something else. It's hard to have a mind that never rests. 8-)

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 10:32 am
by Farmwelding
Or I've had it where you build something like that and it ends up being a really fancy roller stand with a couple of prices of plate to support stuff while you cut.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 10:45 am
by One of a kind
Thanks guys. The person I was going to buy the coke and coal from went out of business, had I known, I wouldn't have built the forge. I'll keep it for awhile longer and see if the desire to do some very simple blacksmithing comes back. I would have to invest in an anvil, tongs and build a shelter to keep it under, I have enough steel roofing to build a 12X12 shelter, but I don't have the desire I had when I built the forge. I have thought about giving it to the high school if it still has a metal shop class. I don't need it around taking up space.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 10:51 am
by Farmwelding
Well gosh I sure hope that school has a metals shop. I couldn't imagine what kind of hell is go through without some kind of hands on classes. I might still want to be an engineer without welding. Or is be like every one else in my class-I don't know ill figure it out later after I spend skmebody else's money for four years. As for an anvil you could always try to find a railroad track and cut it up or find some old farmer and look through his barn or keep looking at auctions and sales. You can always build your own tools as well. Start with some crude tools and with those crude/other tool that isn't supposed to be used for blacksmithing and then make your own custom set.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:30 pm
by One of a kind
Farmwelding wrote:Well gosh I sure hope that school has a metals shop. I couldn't imagine what kind of hell is go through without some kind of hands on classes. I might still want to be an engineer without welding. Or is be like every one else in my class-I don't know ill figure it out later after I spend skmebody else's money for four years. As for an anvil you could always try to find a railroad track and cut it up or find some old farmer and look through his barn or keep looking at auctions and sales. You can always build your own tools as well. Start with some crude tools and with those crude/other tool that isn't supposed to be used for blacksmithing and then make your own custom set.

I'm not interested in Blacksmithing any-longer, I don't need a railroad track anvil or to build tools. I'm the type of person that is all in or all out, so I'll leave blacksmithing to those that have a fire in their bellies for learning the craft/art of blacksmithing.

From what I've read many schools today don't have shop classes, the powers that be have decided children in the first world must become paper shufflers so people in the third world can become gainfully employed doing the jobs we used to do.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:33 pm
by Farmwelding
Well I wish you the best of luck in finding a new owner that will put it to good use. If you needed to you can always take a torch and a peice of plate and get by.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:37 pm
by One of a kind
Farmwelding wrote:Well I wish you the best of luck in finding a new owner that will put it to good use. If you needed to you can always take a torch and a peice of plate and get by.
Unfortunately we can't relive our lives, If I could I would join the Air-force, Navy or Marines, learn how to fly, and when I got out, start my own air taxi service.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 12:15 pm
by motox
Nice work. I've made several things I thought I was going to use. When I realized I wasn't using them enough I sold em. Gave me money to start another project. Besides as soon as I finish one thing and use it, I start to see where I need to make changes and then it's usually better to just start over anyway.
I have more questions than answers


what gene are we all missing?????

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:58 pm
by One of a kind
motox I done the same thing, sometimes I just like the challenge of building something. I don't have the room to keep all the projects I've built over the years, some have been re-purposed and some are left outside, if in time they are not used they go to dump. It's not possible to sell things where I live, it's a small farming community, most farmers have there own fully equipped weld shops and are pretty good at fabricating. I don't like bringing strangers around my place so I won't use Craig's list or news papers to sell things, people are bat crazy nuts today.

North of me a man and his wife lost their lives over selling their Harley Davidson.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:04 pm
by Poland308
Ditto I'm not a Craig's lister.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:01 pm
by Farmwelding
Craigslist is a hit and miss. We sell a ton of crap on the farm and no issues. Might depend on area and what you are selling. We sell farm equipment and we sell it near fargo. Maybe people who have these issues with killing people don't scroll through farm equipment.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:39 pm
by electrode
Great job on the forge One of a kind. I too, do not sell on Craigslist unless the item is something I can haul over to a meeting spot like a WalMart or Lowes etc. I was selling an old lathe once and this older guy comes by to see it but then tries to tell me he "has too many kids" so he wants the lathe but none of the stuff that went with it, for a much lower price. Then he starts looking at all my other stuff in the shop and asks a bunch of questions not related to the sale. Basically wasting my time. I tell him the lathe is for sale with all the accessories and the price is what I told him and he can always sell the accessories if he doesn't want them. Then he says he doesn't know if it will fit in his shed...Arrgghh. After that, no more idiots allowed to the house or workshop. :x

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:50 pm
by One of a kind
Can't be to safe these days, they could come back and steal your stuff. One man had his racing motorcycles and chain saw stolen by people he raced with. The one thief tried to sell his saw in the plant where the owner of the bikes and saw worked, fellow workers who knew the owner of the motorcycles and saw and of the crime allerted the owner, the cops got involved and the thief led them to a garage in another county filled with other peoples stolen property. You never know what some people have up their sleeve.

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:40 am
by Granddaddy
one of a kind, you do great work!!!
I built my wife a forge from a break drum off of a dump truck and bought a ton of coal and several hundred dollars worth of tools over a year ago and she hasn't touched it. I fired it up 2 or 3 weeks ago and I enjoyed it but like you I have to many other projects going to devote time to it right now.

again, pretty work.


Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:15 pm
by Mihtu
That's pretty cool,I have seen a drum forge before,not quite as nice as yours,really nice job!

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:38 pm
by PeteM
That could easily become the worlds most powerful backyard steak cooker.

From mooing to done in mere moments!

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 7:31 pm
by One of a kind
Thank you guys, sorry I haven't checked in for awhile. I though about making it into a BBq, I have a motorized spit from an old grill I could use. :)

Re: Brake Drum Forge

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 12:37 pm
by Jess
That looks awesome! I built a small one (didn't use brake drum):
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