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an unreasonably overwelded tungsten holder

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 1:40 pm
by krl
So i got the first welder couple of months ago, because for some reason I wanted to learn some welding. So I have been doing so for a while but even though I really lihe the process of TIG welding, Im having issues with finding thing to practice on. Just welding scrap pieces together isnt exactly interesting, and steel + gas costs something so id prefer making something with atleast some value to myself.
Has any of You beginners have similar issues?

So i have been welding some stupid things together. Like a something to stick tungsten in. One pipe for sharp ones and one for those waiting to be sharpened sharpened.

Also made some shop stools.

Re: an unreasonably overwelded tungsten holder

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 5:06 pm
by BugHunter
I'd probably lay another pass on top of the root pass you did on the tungsten holder. No sense having it fall off the table and break a weld. ;)

I like the stools. 8-)

Re: an unreasonably overwelded tungsten holder

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:44 am
by jwmelvin
I like your approach of practice for a purpose. I do the same thing. There are plenty of projects around the shop that can develop abilities. Sometimes I want to get things done and turn to MIG instead of practicing TIG. Or I use an opportunity to learn some stick, which I haven’t done much of.