What welding projects are you working on? Are you proud of something you built?
How about posting some pics so other welders can get some ideas?
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    Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:42 am

what number shade for video camera? what kind suppose I using the video camera? I want to make sure its great quality and see very clear... I am planning to using the 30 voltage with .45 wire of MIG welding...

I am planning to working on my new project.

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This looks like a good system...

WeldingSyncrowave 250,Millermatic 252,30a Spoolgun Cutting12" Hi-speed Cutoff Saw, 9x 12 Horizontal Bandsaw MillingGorton 8d Vertical Mill TurningMonarch EE Precision Lathe GrindingBrown & Sharpe #5 Surface Grinder
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I asked Jody about his setup for the videos he shoots. I've lost the details, but he just uses an inexpensive digital camcorder without a filter of any kind. Just has all the "auto" features on, and the camera compensates for the brightness.

Haven't tried it, though.

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    Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:54 pm

The trick to using a auto exposure camcorder is to zoom in so that most of the frame is just the weld. that way there are equal amounts of dark and light so the picture is viewable. If the video is zoomed out too much you'll just get a blob of light.

Ideally you use a camera with a welding glass AND manual explosure for best results.
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