What welding projects are you working on? Are you proud of something you built?
How about posting some pics so other welders can get some ideas?
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I need to build some overhead and vertical clamps for my welding school class. We currently have an arm with a slot and a screw to attach a flat piece of metal vertically . I am looking for ideas to build somthing to clamp to the adjustable arm to practice verticle and overhead welding. We currently tack weld plates together to build a base for the type of welding we are doing for that class and it is a pain in asssssss. I am looking to build some type of clamp to make that will allow me to attach to the adjustable arm and let me get to welding and not tack welding for that day's welding project.
I love to make sparks
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When i was at trade school, all the bay had holders made out of pipe. About 2" Diameter for a main up right that is welded to the bench, about a metre long, to give height for OH welding. Sliding up and down this was a cross of 2 short peices of pipe welded to togeather to hold a horizontal arm. This cross has bolts welded into it so it can be tightened at any hight. The horizontal arm also slides and has a clamp on the end that can hold plate and also go inside a peice of pipe to hold that as well. Being telescoping pipe, the clamp can be swiveled/ rotated to any position . Pheew. Hope this helps.
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