I haven't been around much lately due to some health reasons havent done any welding. Only did one project in months and it was my daughters new launch pad. Amazing how out of practice I was, felt like a beginner again and was shaky as hell. I got it done except blast deflector we designed not made yet. I'm not happy with my welding looks like crap but she likes it and its works.
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why use standard nozzles after gas lens where invented. Kinda of like starting fires by rubbing sticks together.
Thanks Andersk, it has been too long. There is a lot to catch up on.
Since you like things that explode you might like this one. Has nothing to do with welding though. These are some six inch shells from a New Years shoot.
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why use standard nozzles after gas lens where invented. Kinda of like starting fires by rubbing sticks together.
Riding the gravy train on a Saturday night! 3/32 tungsten, #8 cup w/gas lens since I couldn't make it happen with a straight collet and #6 cup, and 4943 filler. Roughly 1-1.25rpm on the positioner with the welder set at 175, probably only using 100-125 as it gets to the end of the weld.
LtBadd wrote:looks real good Sam, are you just tacking and welding or doing the cutting of the pipe also?
I cut the tubes on a lathe and then used a miter gage on a belt sander to sand the angle. This was all done before I left on Friday, I just took everything home to weld it.
I love seeing all the great looking weld posted here. Myself, I wanted to learn tig welding to do small fabrication and repair of stainless steel parts for boats. Today I was able to help a friend by welding a mount back onto a porthole frame. Not a lot of welding just 4 tacks from 16 gauge to .025. While it was not the best looking weld it made him smile.
Seems perfect well done.Very nice bright welding I wonder what is the flow of argon gas protection isi perfect and how you can achieve this king of shine weld apart the skill that it is obvious that is outstanding...Bravo.. Some how o pro must show
quality of welding that is ahead of the average welder .
Started working last night on a 16 inch 300# steam main under ground. There still digging up pipe trying to find the leak. It has an insulation case and a welded 24inch jacket. If they can't find the leak visually then there going to bring in a smart pig. It's a robot that can ultrasound the pipe from the inside. Either way we will be cutting off the jacket and repairing the pipe, or cutting out some holes big enough to get the robot in. We only have a one week window so it may not all happen this week. I'll post more pics as I can.