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I have one of those MIGS which takes the bigger 5kg reels but has no built in adapter for the small reels and I had a small job to do in Stainless which I usually do with TIG but this is a painful and awkward job so I wanted to try SS MIG but didn't want to buy a 5kg roll of SS. So I made the above one out of scraps of plate, some small pipe the same external as the inside of the small reels (A), some exhaust pipe the same as the external of the big roller (B) and a bolt with some washers etc (C).
20170319_152141.jpg (37.87 KiB) Viewed 1239 times
Note I also use a wire clip to hold the roller back away from the feed mechanism (arrow in pic below).
20170319_151933.jpg (65.22 KiB) Viewed 1239 times
As u can see from the pic it works just fine "-)
20170319_151939.jpg (63.83 KiB) Viewed 1239 times
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Very nice. I think I have to cut down to five kilo rolls on my old mig. The old girl doesnt like towing wire off the heavy 15 kg roll.

On a side note, how do you find the boss weld stuff?
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weldin mike 27 wrote:Very nice. I think I have to cut down to five kilo rolls on my old mig. The old girl doesnt like towing wire off the heavy 15 kg roll.
Yeah I did that but got bored and decided to make something I didn't have to wind into :-)
weldin mike 27 wrote: On a side note, how do you find the boss weld stuff?
Hmm lets just say it was a last resort .... I have had to return BOSS MIG wire before cos it just wouldn't go through the feeder reliably on old machine, guy was insistent it was my machine, took home some other brand and it worked fine so I suspect the wire was a little smaller or perhaps not circular or something, it was an old machine and could have been a little worn but the CIG stuff just worked. Now I just stick with the brand I know works consistently.
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Thanks, thats pretty much what I thought.
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I have had issues with boss wire in the past and now try to avoid it like the plague.
Changed wire brand and the problem disappeared.
Crap quality at a premium price.

God gave man 2 heads and only enough blood to run 1 at a time. Who said God didn't have a sense of humour.....
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