Elsewhere in this forum I have quoted people who claim, by volume of wire sold, the use of flux core wire is increasing, particularly in heavy duty applications, and, more particularly, in ship building.
I have seen ship building in China, and, yes, the machines were the large separate wire feeder units, but I asked and was assured the processes used was flux core, (and they were mightily amused that I should ask: not sure what that was about). The big welders didn't even look like welders, more like farm equipment. (Incidentally, China has built ten of the twenty longest bridges in the world, all in the last ten years: they know a thing or two about this kind of engineering and fabrication. You've got to admire their work.)
In the small shop, apart from the cost of the wire, and the appearance of the weld and surrounding surface (I have a good array of slag scrapers!), why wouldn't you use FCAW-ss? With experience, the weld bead looks OK, (not as good as MIG, and certainly not as good as TIG), and the client doesn't care, particularly on steel that is going to be primed and painted, and covered by mesh, or timber, or sheet steel or plate? But, with an even weave pattern, it looks fine, after you clean off the slag.
And you can weld hot, right down to 1mm steel, even less with care (again, it is not the best here, but the welds don't break).
Having said that, I don't know anyone else who depends on FCAW as I do in my light work context.