I could not find the reply button as to why I discontinued my subscription to your great vids.
Your vids are fabulus & I'm sure helping many find gamefull employment in the welding trades.
About 3 months ago I dropped DSL & went back to dial-up (I'm retired & money is tight) so watching any video online is out of the question, that is why I've dropped my subscription.
I got 3 of your Tig fingers & they are awesume, even gave one to a diesel mechanic friend.
Am looking into moving from AZ to CO & selling all my tools/welders(Large Lin. Mig & HF Tig)/house hold goods as shipping is so expensive. One thing I will keep are the tig fingers so when I get to CO & buy new tools I'll already have them.
Thanks for passing on your wisdom to others & your great products.
S. Lane
Post your ideas, suggestions and support issues here.
- Otto Nobedder
Joined:Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:40 pm
Location:Near New Orleans
It breaks my heart to hear you're giving up equipment.
Giving up internet is one thing. Giving up tools is quite another.
Steve S
It breaks my heart to hear you're giving up equipment.
Giving up internet is one thing. Giving up tools is quite another.
Steve S
Well, here's one possible reason.... all the tools and equipment were strictly "work" related and now "retirement" means getting away and doing the things one wants! Lots of new tool and equipment upgrades is another reason!
I'm a retired accountant and now just bought a Dynasty 200DX and Hypertherm 45 .... hobby, just like golf! It's that darn internet and Jody's videos that cost me a bundle in new equipment I didn't need!

I'm a retired accountant and now just bought a Dynasty 200DX and Hypertherm 45 .... hobby, just like golf! It's that darn internet and Jody's videos that cost me a bundle in new equipment I didn't need!

Miller Dynasty 200DX - Millermatic 350P - Hypertherm Powermax 45 - Hobart Handler 150
Miller Dynasty 200DX - Millermatic 350P - Hypertherm Powermax 45 - Hobart Handler 150
25 years ago I moved to AZ & it cost 60 cents a pound to ship tools/books/households goods down here + it went into storage for a few years................For what it cost me I could have walked away from them in CO & bought new down here. Would hate to find out shipping costs are nowdays.
I bought a industrial Lincoln Nascar Power Mig 200 for my hobbies at home, it can run .023 to .045 (it can be retro fitted for a spool gun to (something I don't have)).............spent around $1200 for it, figure I'll be lucky to get $600 for the welder + the CO2/argon tank..............................When I get back to CO I"ll buy a smaller multi-use welder.
Also own a HF 160 amp Tig (haven't got the hang of that one yet)...............Mig is more enjoyable.
I was a diesel mechanic way back in CO at a mine at Climax for 6 years. Got lots of hand tools, tool boxes, 2 lathes (1 a sear atlas) + 1 small mill.
It's better to have a yard sale in AZ get what you can & buy new up in the Colorado Mts........welders/lathes have improved over the years & got smaller.
Some of those hand/air tools I haven't used in my 20 years down here. Time to streamline.
Plus with Obozo releasing so many illegals down here to retaliate against Sheriff Joe enforcement of the law, time to migrate back to CO if I can. With the AZ summer heat it's tough to work outside to.
25 years ago I moved to AZ & it cost 60 cents a pound to ship tools/books/households goods down here + it went into storage for a few years................For what it cost me I could have walked away from them in CO & bought new down here. Would hate to find out shipping costs are nowdays.
I bought a industrial Lincoln Nascar Power Mig 200 for my hobbies at home, it can run .023 to .045 (it can be retro fitted for a spool gun to (something I don't have)).............spent around $1200 for it, figure I'll be lucky to get $600 for the welder + the CO2/argon tank..............................When I get back to CO I"ll buy a smaller multi-use welder.
Also own a HF 160 amp Tig (haven't got the hang of that one yet)...............Mig is more enjoyable.
I was a diesel mechanic way back in CO at a mine at Climax for 6 years. Got lots of hand tools, tool boxes, 2 lathes (1 a sear atlas) + 1 small mill.
It's better to have a yard sale in AZ get what you can & buy new up in the Colorado Mts........welders/lathes have improved over the years & got smaller.
Some of those hand/air tools I haven't used in my 20 years down here. Time to streamline.
Plus with Obozo releasing so many illegals down here to retaliate against Sheriff Joe enforcement of the law, time to migrate back to CO if I can. With the AZ summer heat it's tough to work outside to.
Last edited by wonderer on Thu Jul 17, 2014 3:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
- AKweldshop
Joined:Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:30 pm
Location:Palmer AK
wonderer wrote:Gentleman,
25 years ago I moved to AZ & it cost 60 cents a pound to ship tools/books/households goods down here + it went into storage for a few years................For what it cost me I could have walked away from them in CO & bought new down here. Would hate to find out shipping costs are nowdays.
I bought a industrial Lincoln Nascar Power Mig 200 for my hobbies at home, it can run .023 to .045 (it can be retro fitted for a spool gun to (something I don't have)).............spent around $1200 for it, figure I'll be lucky to get $600 for the welder + the CO2/argon tank..............................When I get back to CO I"ll buy a smaller multi-use welder.
Also own a HF 160 amp Tig (haven't got the hang of that one yet)...............Mig is more enjoyable.
I was a diesel mechanic way back in CO at a mine at Climax for 6 years. Got lots of hand tools, tool boxes, 2 lathes (1 a sear atlas) + 1 small mill.
It's better to have a yard sale in AZ get what you can & buy new up in the Colorado Mts........welders/lathes have improved over the years & got smaller.
Some of those hand/air tools I haven't used in my 20 years down here. Time to streamline.
Your Powermig 200 is worth more then that!!
Just a couple welders and a couple of big hammers and torches.
Men in dirty jeans built this country, while men in clean suits have destroyed it.
Trump/Carson 2016-2024
Men in dirty jeans built this country, while men in clean suits have destroyed it.
Trump/Carson 2016-2024
Wow, that is more that I bought mine for even when I added a fullsize co2/argon + small wire spool adapter.AKweldshop wrote:
Your Powermig 200 is worth more then that!!
Since I'm not into craigs list or ebay maybe I'll run it in the forsale adds in the paper before the yard sale.
Thanks....Every dollar counts when you buy new on the other end.........wonderer
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