General welding questions that dont fit in TIG, MIG, Stick, or Certification etc.
Artie F. Emm
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Congratulations, Jody, for your recognition by the American Welding Society! I'm just now getting around to reading The Welding Journal for Feb 2015, and see on page 66 - 67, Distinguished Welder Award: this AWS-sponsored award recognizes individuals who have exceptional welding skills and experiences related to all aspects of the art of welding. The first mention is "Jody Collier has trained and certified more than 500 welders and in his retirement trains millions of others via his website,"

There's a shout-out for ya!
aka "RTFM"
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Fabulous. Recognition well deserved.
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Jody sure is easy to understand and his videos are top shelf. I don't think I would have gotten back up to speed on TIG as fast as I did without his videos. Very well deserved honor.
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Take a look at our membership and you'll find people from all parts of the globe. Jody's influence on welding should be recognised by every welding body worldwide. We should all wish that we can have such a positive influence on as many people as Jody has and is having in places he's never even been. It's actually astounding if you think about the grandure of it.

Well done Jody, I for one applaud you.

Now go melt something.
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Agreed, Congradulations! I remember the first time I came across the Tig Finger and the Youtube vids, now it is just a daily piece of my welding gear.

One reason I like this forum is it is far less "opinionated" then some of the others, members are from all kinds of background and industries. Even as an expierenced welder it is always nice to learn new tricks, point of views and understand WE ALL have gone through a lot of the same things.

One reason I consider us all from a Welding Brotherhood!

Well my pipe is done purging, guess I should get back to some
I weld stainless, stainless and more stainless...Food Industry, sanitary process piping, vessels, whatever is needed, I like to make stuff.
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Not sure if I have ever shared this but I found Jody and Welding Tips and Tricks when I was burning fingers while welding and asked the LWS about something to protect my fingers and searched the Internet. I can't remember who gave me the lead but I stumbled upon Jody's website and then videos and was hooked. Ever since it is amazing that through conversation most know who he is and all about the TIG Finger. I have to agree, his impact reaches farther than he might have originally thought when he started down this path.

Congratulations Jody on a well deserved award.
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With thanks to Jody I have the only tig welded letter box on my street :lol:

Only learnt from Jody and a few others online, using his advice as a knowledge base really does help us newby's :ugeek:
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Tig finger
Dirt grease
Rub in pure Dawn disk detergent ,work in throughly, soak in warm water 1 hour .
Swish and rinse completely,hang and dry,refold.

or support website and order more.
Give old one to newbie and get them hooked.
Everlast 250EX
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congrats to jody
great teacher.
great welder.
thanks for the videos.
htp invertig 221
syncrowave 250
miller 140 mig
hypertherm plasma
morse 14 metal devil
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I would say something like" I would not be half the welder I am today except for Jody's teachings,", but It's not His fault I am not better, He's done all He can. :D Greatly appreciate the video's.
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Congratulations Jody!

I'm one of your "internet pupils" as well. Bought a Mig welder after a lifetime of stick welding so I was looking for advice on how to get started. Stumbled on your video series of "mig welding tips and tricks". I have watched a lot of your videos since. Also find the tig videos interesting, only seen it done once. Very interesting but not something I will be doing any time soon.

Once again congrats and keep the videos coming!
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I don't receive "The Welding Journal", so this topic was welcome news to me. It's truly well-deserved, and I apologize for not posting sooner. I sent my congratulations directly, and forgot to share my thoughts here.

I do not, in fact, recall how I found his videos. I may have been searching information on a particular process, or may have been referred to them by a friend as a "check this out", or perhaps I was just going down the You-Tube rabbit-hole.

I do recall being caught immediately by the "No PhD's" disclaimer, and exploring for a good two hours. I was hooked. Keep in mind, I had more than two decades in the trades, and I was hooked. I've always felt that if you believe you know it all, you're done... Done learning, done advancing, done improving. Jody has made it safe for everyone to keep learning, at every level.

This recognition may seem overdue, but I suspect the timing is just about perfect.

Steve S
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While adding my congratulations I can also say that he deserves an award for just how much he's helped me!

The rest of you can be added on too I guess :D :lol:
Dave J.

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~George Bernard Shaw~

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Congratulations Jody, well deserved recognition. From the other side of the world you have:
- made me aware of other welding techniques and equipment
- changed the way I weld (for the better)
- saved my pinkies from frying.

Thankyou from downunder.
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Reiterating everything mentioned above. The only annoying thing that guy does is make everything he welds look so easy....

They don't come better. Thanks Jody.
EWM Phonenix 355 Pulse MIG set mainly for Aluminum, CIGWeld 300Amp AC/DC TIG, TRANSMIG S3C 300 Amp MIG, etc, etc
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Well Deserved and more.

Jody, I sincerely think you have contributed more to welding training than any single organization.
Gerald Austin
If I didn't say it in the post- Have a great day !
Greeneville Tn
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Hey, any of you AWS members who either get the magazine or have (through membership) access to the archives, I'll bet money you can get permission to reprint the article here.

If you don't want the hassle, PM me a .pdf of the article, and I'll take the steps to get permission to reprint.

I think it would be cool to have the article here, somewhere prominant (but not TOO prominant... Jody is a bit more modest than I think he should be).

Steve S
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Congratulations Jody. I have learned a lot from your videos and forum. You are an excellent teacher.
Bill Beauregard
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I don't know about others, he's done more for my learning than any other. Thank you Jody!
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Jody Page 002.jpg
Jody Page 002.jpg (111.85 KiB) Viewed 1135 times
Jody Page 003.jpg
Jody Page 003.jpg (117.69 KiB) Viewed 1135 times
I was able to convert the pdf to jpeg so I'll share it here.
Congrats Jody!
John Wright
AWS Certified Welding Inspector
NDT Level II UT, VT, MT and PT
NACE CIP Level I Coating Inspector
Artie F. Emm
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Thanks, John- I wonder if we (somone?) might highlight or emphasize the Jody portion of it. His photo is on page 66, and his write-up is on page 67.
aka "RTFM"
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edit* added reference
Snapshot from the AWS Welding Journal, February 2015 edition
Jody Page 002.jpg
Jody Page 002.jpg (112.38 KiB) Viewed 1294 times
Jody Page 003.jpg
Jody Page 003.jpg (118.77 KiB) Viewed 1294 times
Artie F. Emm wrote:Thanks, John- I wonder if we (somone?) might highlight or emphasize the Jody portion of it. His photo is on page 66, and his write-up is on page 67.
Hmm...let me see what I can do.....
Last edited by jwright650 on Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
John Wright
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Does this mean I can stop the "reprinted with permission" aspect I've been pursuing, and we're covered? I don't want the forum tied up in any copyright issues...

Thanks for sharing!

Steve S
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Otto Nobedder wrote:Sweet!

Does this mean I can stop the "reprinted with permission" aspect I've been pursuing, and we're covered? I don't want the forum tied up in any copyright issues...

Thanks for sharing!

Steve S
Hmm...I'm not sure buddy, I really don't know about the legal issues regarding the reposting of these two pages. I used my AWS membership login to go in and print the two pages with Jody's mention on them. I hope that I don't cause trouble by doing this for you guys here. IN this internet age, I share a lot of info as does other folks and I'm uncertain how all of the copyright issues are resolved.
Take it down if this will give the forum issues.....or let me know and I can do it on my end.
John Wright
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I don't think we're going to have any issues. I'm just being cautious. I can't imagine the AWS begrudging the forum Jody created sharing his recognition. Especially since this is an extention of his "weldor training" concept they recognized him for, and clearly not a commercial site by any definition. I just want to see it in writing, to cover our arses.

Steve S
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